Suggested Reading List
For a comprehensive list of grief and loss reading materials, click here.
For some, the Internet offers a way to connect with others and learn more about grief. Listed below are a few websites that offer grief support, articles and resources for those who have experienced the death of a loved one. There is no affiliation between the bereavement center and these websites, and we bear no responsibility for the information contained on them. Please view at your own discretion.
- The Grief Toolbox: The Grief Toolbox is a comprehensive resource for people experiencing grief. Articles, other resources, and an online art gallery help support individuals in the grieving process. The Grief Toolbox also provides a support group locator.
- National Alliance for Grieving Children: The National Alliance for Grieving Children is a nationwide platform that connects professionals, consumers, and volunteers whose mission is to support children and teens through the grieving process. NAGC offers online education, a searchable support group database, and hosts an annual symposium about child grief.
- Bereaved Parents of the USA: Bereaved Parents of the USA connects grieving parents with other bereaved parents, grandparents, and siblings for one-on-one support. The site offers a newsletter, articles and poems, and many resources and links for grieving families to guide them through the grieving process. It also hosts an annual gathering where bereaved parents can share their stories with others and participate in grief workshops.