To make the healthcare choices that are best for you and your family, you have to have all the facts. There are many incorrect assumptions made about medical care for the seriously ill. We hope this information will help you make the best decisions for you.
myth: “Hospice is only for the last days of life.”
fact: Once it is determined that life expectancy is not years but months, any individual may seek hospice care. By seeking care early in the progression of an illness, patients and their loved ones can benefit from the full scope of services available.
myth: ”The only outcome is hastened death.”
fact: Hospice neither hastens nor postpones death. However, some patients improve with the supportive care of hospice—so much so that hospice care is no longer suitable.
myth: ”I can’t keep my own doctor.”
fact: Yes, you can. Your doctor will work hand-in-hand with our specialists in a collaborative team. If you don’t have a primary care doctor, we can help you find one.
myth: ”All hospices are the same.”
fact: Medicare regulates the basic, core services of hospice care. However, there are key differences in the quality of care that hospices provide and the services they offer.
myth: "Hospice care is limited to six months."
fact: Patients may receive hospice care as long as their condition remains serious. The hospice team is responsible for continually assessing the care needed.
myth: ”I can’t receive curative treatments or life-sustaining care while in hospice care.”
fact: Treatments may help you manage symptoms and pain and improve your ability to live comfortably. There may also be treatments unrelated to your hospice diagnosis that may be continued. Your doctor can discuss options with you.
myth: ”Only a doctor can make a referral to hospice.”
fact: Anyone—friend, loved one, clergy, clinical care worker-can call Community Care & Hospice to help you get started. You can call yourself. The choice to begin care is always up to the patient and family.
myth: ”Hospice is expensive.”
fact: Hospice care, including medications and home visits, is paid by Medicare and Medicaid and is covered by most commercial insurers.